Many B2B businesses invest significant resources into driving traffic to their website expecting lots of enquiries and sales to roll in.

But with only 2% of visitors making contact via your website Lead Forensics solves the problem of identifying all the visitors and adding them into your marketing automation system or sales nurturing process.

Watch the 1.30 minute video to see how Lead Forensics can identify new prospects for your business.

If you can’t convert visitors into prospects it doesn’t matter how many hits your website gets.

Lead Forensics shows you which website pages your visitors are viewing together with accurate contact information.

Just 2% of visitors actually make contact via your website, with the remaining 98% just looking around and leaving.

Lead Forensics is a lead generation tool designed to reveal the identity of your unknown website visitors and convert these visitors into hot leads you can follow up right away.

If you would like to see case studies about how businesses are growing with Lead Forensics please call 0131 618 2999 for an no obligation chat.

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