10 Tasty Promotional Tips for Your Business
This bar of chocolate reflects our ethos of going that extra mile in providing the finest marketing strategies and promotional campaigns for your business.
Because to ensure absolute quality, Hotel Chocolat actually bought their own West Indies cocoa plantation! In the same spirit, here are 10 tasty tips for taking your marketing to the nth degree.

1. Invest in a marketing strategy
An in-depth marketing strategy by a CIM accredited consultant can achieve optimum results by defining essentials such as: vision, mission and values, key messages, positioning in the market, competitive advantage, pricing and the value proposition. Aileen Caskie from Dynamic Heart outlines what a marketing strategy is (video length 1.50mins).
2. Targeted keyword research
Before we start building your website, we carefully research the keyword most searched for by your target market and advise on accompanying SEO strategies to ensure a page one ranking.
3. Create a short video about your business
Most online viewers prefer a 1-3 minute video that encapsulates your business rather than a text heavy website. We used the whiteboard video technique to convey our integrated package of graphic design, website design, online content, copywriting, search engine optimisation (SEO) and email marketing. Video length (1.30mins).
4. Compelling web content
Good web design is only the appetiser. You also need engaging web content to make every visit count such as video & animation, photography and blog articles.
5. Present your business at events and seminars
Getting on the guest speaker circuit is a great way to promote your business. You can organise your own and invite clients and prospects to create a showcase and networking opportunity. We occasionally run these events – so we practice what we preach! If you need to improve your public speaking skills join your local division of Toastmasters.

6. Avoid ‘one logo fits all’
Your logo should be adaptable and have variation guidelines so it can always be seen at its hard working best whether featured in print, online or on social media platforms.

7. Avoid royalty free library images
Do you really want to display exactly the same images as your competitors? Use a good amateur or pro photographer instead… or, if you have to resort to library images, at least avoid anything looking too American (unless purposefully intended) or clichéd. The commissioned image below was taken by Philippe Monthoux for a website we created for Move On.

8. Be careful what you give to prospects
A distinctive handout format or a practical promotional gift (like the chocolate bar above) will always be well received and kept more readily than a conventional A5 flyer.

9. Use bespoke email templates
A bespoke HTML email campaign can create a better impression and a higher open rate than generic templates.

10. Target new contacts at networking events
Chat to people you already know by all means, but try to spend most of your time introducing yourself to as many unfamiliar new faces as possible.