User Experience Design – Why your online platform needs it
While it’s important that your website, mobile app or software platform is aesthetically pleasing, the user experience is also critical to ensuring that users enjoy interacting with it on a regular basis and believe it adds value to their working or personal lives.
A platform that fails to put users at the center of the design process runs the risk of losing sales, limiting interactions or not building an optimum user base.
Our social enterprise client, Brightstripe, required User Experience Design input into both their website and software platform, Web2Artwork.
The Web2Artwork user journey
- user opens a password protected account
- user submits images and copy via their web browser – no software required
- character limits prevent to submission of too much copy
- user can save their submission and revise it later
- user approves an online proof before final submission.
Producing a ‘guide online proof’ for each venue organiser (prior to them submitting their advertisement), empowered and in some cases enforced venues to make obvious alterations and improvements before approval. This self-proofing process drastically decreased time spent correcting and amending guide entries. The administrative area is user friendly and the look of the site in general is fresh and clear.
Brightstripe case study
Read more about the marketing strategy, website and Web2Artwork publishing platform for Brightstripe.
Both projects went through this process:
- requirements gathering workshops
- sketching
- prototyping and wire frames
- site mapping
- collaboration with visual designers and developers
- user testing
- data analytics
- user satisfaction
- modifications and refinements
- video tutorials and user guides for both end users, the client and stakeholders.

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